Sunday, February 10, 2008

Life at the Beach

I found myself anxious this morning and intot he afternoon hours, frustrated that I had to spend another 9 days in Thailand. I'm not good at sitting still, experiencing and enjoying the same sights and activities for too long just bores me. 9 days on a tropical island, as fantastic as that sounds, been there done that. There's only so much sitting on the beach, wading in the water I can do before I get bored. I want to be trying new things, seeing new sights, eating new food. I flet like this island, Thailand, South East Asia were closing in on me.

I'm not sure how long I'll stay out here. While on the surface it seems like there's lots to do, it all costs so much money. 500 baht for a cooking class, 600 baht for a snorkeling trip, 200 baht to rent a kayak. Unfortunately money isn't falling from the sky, and if I hope to make it to Africa, I simply cannot continue to indulge in all of the fun activities I'd like. But I'm better off staying out here than going back to Bangkok where money seems to disappear. Maybe being out here will teach me, force me, to spend an entire day laying in a hammock, devouring a novel, without going stircrazy. I don't know though, I just love to be on the go! Maybe tomorrow I'll see if I can swim of to the next island, it doesn't look too far...


nanny said...

It is good for you to sit a little still every now and then. You have to soak it in and allow the serenity to enter you too and if you are moving too fast the serenity can not take hold ;-). Spend the damn money - enjoy all there is to experience - the money will be there. You think we all over here would let you sleep on the streets?? NO WAY you will be taken care of. Just do what feels right and ENJOY!!!!!!

Love ya

Beatriz said...

i hadnt had the chance to look at your blog in a few days, and am dying of envy! youre back in the islands! man oh man, out time there together seems like a lifetime ago to me. i miss you girl, eat some som tam on the beach for me!

Anonymous said...

My dear Dona, the ART of relaxation is something that you master with practice! The gift you have in life right now to just "be" is one we so rarely get to experience............ENJOY! You have all you need at the moment and will have in the next to come, and the next and the next. Breathe, believe, receive.
Love and hugs...