Thursday, January 17, 2008

Muong Kwa

It seems to be that in Laos there are more people needing rides on buses than there are buses to accommodate. Alarmed by warnings of other travelers, I showed up at the bus station ready to buy a ticket to Muong Kwa at 7am. By the time I showed up, already a queue had formed and the ticked office hadn't even opened. 45 minutes and a whole lot of pushing later, I was able to snag one of the much desired tickets on the first bus to Muong Kwa. There's nothing remarkable about Muong Kwa other than its a nice place to wait for the next boat to Muong Ngoi, my intended destination for a few days of just hanging out. Seems that's what there is to do here in Laos, just hang. Grab a good book, sit back and enjoy the slow place of life around here.

I've met a nice couple, Sam and Jen, from Michigan. It's nice to have some travel buddies again. We checked in to a guesthouse here in Muong Kwa and even better than the great views of the river is the pet monkey. He's just a baby and so fluffy and cute! I feel bad for him though, he's got a look of sadness in his eyes that breaks my heart a little every time I walk by. I've been giving him bananas a couple times a day and that cheers him right up!

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