Sunday, July 13, 2008

Arrival in Nairobi

It's been a long 2 days of travel, and after nearly 11 hours on the bus today, we've arrived in Nairobi. The bus was scheduled to leave at 10am, but when the bus was still practically empty at departure time, we waited, and waited, and waited for it to fill up. Finally at 11:30 we left Mombasa, and drove literally non-stop to Nairobi. We didn't stop once along the way, except to pick up and drop off passengers, which meant lunch was acquired hastily from roadside vendors--a boiled egg here, a mango there-- by the time we arrived in Nairobi at 8pm, we were famished. After finder a place to stay, we made a beeline for the cafe below the guest house. The food was good, hot, and filling, and entertainment was provided by a man so drunk that in the middle of eating, his head dropped into his plate of food, his unconscious body slid from his chair, and he laid passed out in the middle of the restaurant. Curious commotion ensued as the waitress kicked and jabbed at the man, and eventually after his lack of response, she dragged him out to the sidewalk, his head thumping down the stairs behind her. The customers went about their small talk, hardly taking notice, like this was some normal, everyday event. Lara, Kate, and I looked at each other in disbelief. 20 minutes later after finishing out meal, the man was still sprawled out on the sidewalk, people walked over him, stood around him gossiping and laughing with friends. It's like he wasn't even there, bizarre!

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