Friday, April 4, 2008

An Update from Mumbai

It's hard to believe that its the last day of March. I left home just as winter was setting in and now, the cold, dreary days of winter have passed to make way for the fresh, vibrant, colorful and exciting start of spring. I love spring. I crisp, freshness of the air, the brilliantly blue skies, the explosion of color in the trees, grass, and flowers. It's hard to believe I've been gone long enough to miss an entire season of the NBA, long enough to have missed birthdays and anniversaries, going away parties and births. But its only been 5 months. A drop in the bucket, a tiny ripple in the tide of my life. Yet, these 5 months have changed me in ways that are significant beyond comprehension.

Another week has come and gone in Mumbai, and yesterday I took a leap of faith and decided to stay here for the remainder of my time in India. I have connected with a local track coach who I will be assisting a few days a week, sharing with young girls my passion for athletics, and hopefully instilling that same love in them. I am also in contact with a few NGO's in the area and in the process of selecting one that is a good fit for me. I'm still staying with Manu and Rahul, and although they have warmly and generously insisted that I stay with them for the next 6 weeks, I've been spending more and more time with Vihbu in order to lessen my presence in their home so as not to overstay my welcome.

Vihbu has become my best friend here. He is someone who I felt an instant connection with, someone who I am convinced I have known before. Few words need to be exchanged between us, but conversation flows so naturally and endlessly. We laugh and joke, debate and analyze. He will be a lifelong friend and someone I will miss dearly when I leave.


nanny said...

there is nothing like that feeling of deep connection - a sole connection. I am so happy that you have made such a special friend. Also so fun to have a connection so there someone to visit so far away. And he here of course. Enjoy your time, laughs and jokes. Chances are that you DO know each other from before ;-) drink it in.

Love to you and send pictures of this dear friend.


berta said...

We love spring too! There are no colors here yet but the promise is in the air. You are right about how fast time passes. It's sad that the more time we enjoy the less time we have left to enjoy!Take care, & what is a NGO?

Anonymous said...

hey dona. love you. miss you. i emailed you already. we need to know more details about your special friend!
whats an NGO?
kisses (mom)

love you, emily