Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Mumbai Phone Number

UPDATED PHONE NUMBER: I posted the wrong number yesterday, sorry!

In order to cut down on roaming charges I'll be using a friend's SIM card while I am in Mumbai. I change my mind everyday as to my plans, but for now I will be in Mumbai for another few weeks. Sorry for being unreachable for the past few days, but you should be able to get through now! Hugs.



PS. I PROMISE to post photos soon :)


Anonymous said...

It's been frustrating not to be able to call you, and now all circuits have been busy for hours. This # has one less number than your last, unclear if that matters. Hope to get through soon. Love the low rates at tel 3 advantage. Good to hear you're having such a good time, and can't wait for more details. I did know there were 2 distinct lions...love and miss you lots
d, c and e

Jen said...

I'm so glad we got to catch up today. I miss you SO much and can't wait until our reunion (hopefully sooner than October).