Friday, April 18, 2008

I'm Feeling Antsy!

I'm reading a fantastic book right now, Shantaram. It's the true story of Greg Roberts, an escaped convict who makes a life for himself in Bombay. Living in the slums, he writes of his experiences with such vivid candor that I found myself falling in love with India all over again. I've met a handful of travelers who claim the sole reason they are in India is because of the inspiration they gathered from this book. It really is that good!

The past few days I've been feeling antsy, like my time in Bombay is up. It's been a great 4 weeks, but the promise of adventure and excitement of the north is beckoning me to pack my bag, hop on the train, and continue to do what I love most. The domestic life I've led since arriving in Bombay is exactly what I needed, a break from the constant motion and unknown of the life of a backpacker, but my heart is aching for that again. For long train rides, cheap, dirty street food, grimy hotel rooms, absolute freedom from the insecurities that creep back into my life when surrounded by all of the negative aspects of the importation of western culture. I want to climb mountains, explore deserts, and wade through the deepest, darkest parts of my soul at an ashram. It's time for me to leave Bombay, but I'll be back. It's comforting to know that saying goodbye is just temporary, that in 4 weeks I can settle into life here again. But the next goodbye is going to be much harder. Saying goodbye on May 26 is going to be heartbreaking.


Jen said...

Sorry we got disconnected yesterday...let's talk again soon. Hope the rest of your train ride was good. Love you.

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