Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pushkar and Jaipur

I woke up this morning with a terrible headache, a sore throat, and an aching body. I couldn't drag myself out of bed until nearly 9am despite having gone to sleep before 10pm. I have absolutely no desire or motivation to do anything today, and really wish that I was back in Mumbai. My brain feels groggy and congested, and the flies swarming around my head and playing at my feet are making me crazy! I wish I could just shake this crappy feeling away! Maybe a cup of chai will cure me?!?

After spending the day walking around Pushkar and later Jaipur in a gloomy daze made worse by intense heat of the desert sun and a stubborn stomach ache, I decided that I'm going to go back to Mumbai. Mumbai has become a second home to me, and at least there I can be sick but comfortable, and I will have Vibhu to take care of me. The physical exhaustion I feel has completely dissoved all of the excitement I had to travel again and has made even my beloved past-time of exploring small towns and villages seem like an incredibly daunting task. So tomorrow, if I can survive the het of the night here in Jaipur (its nearly 8:30pm and still 32 degrees C) I'll catch the train back to Mumbai (and yes, this time I have a confirmed seat!). Hopefully after a few days I'll be feeling better and ready to hit the road again!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, even though I was born here..it's bloody hot right now. Gives me bizarre dreams..

Anonymous said...

im sorry about your soreness. where are you right now? like i have no idea where pushkar and jaipur are. sooo yeah
do you have an new phone number?
well i miss you and i hope your having an amazing time.
i love you!!

nanny said...

Dona, There is no place like "home" when you don't feel good- I am glad that you decided to get yourself back "home" until your body is ready for travel again. We miss you tons and hope you are all healed soon.

Take care love ya m and m

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I hope you are feeling better and receiving all the tender loving care you need from your friends at "home". I'm sending you hugs and wishes for you to be up and off to your next adventure soon.

Love you,