Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Pictures from Northern Vietnam



Jen said...

You made my day!!! LOVE YOU :)

Beatriz said...

I love these!
I miss you and love you tons. Let us know when you will be at a fixed address at some point so we can send you stuff... need any more Bronner's? Peanut Butter??

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to see a smile on your face in every picture... well, except the one with weird food. ;-) Merry Christmas!!

Michael MacIntosh said...

Awesome photos, Dona (though the duck fetus was kinda creepy). It's so much fun to follow along with you. You're my hero, man!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas dearest Dona. These photos really are wonderful and you look like you are really enjoying yourself. I've eaten alot of bizarre things in my day, but it doesn't come close to you and duck fetus...Gross. Love you