Monday, March 17, 2008

Spending the Night in Hospet

I just spent the entire day on the bus! From 7am this morning I've been napping, reading, eating, and daydreaming all from the very cozy and bumpy bus seat. I was trying to make it to Hampi all in one day, but missed the last bus by about an hour, so I am spending the night at the bus station's lodge in Hospet. It's surprisingly clean and way up here on the top floor I'm pretty much removed from the constant hustle of the station. Hampi is only another 13km from here, and there are plenty of autorickshaws willing to take me, but seeing that it's 10pm, venturing out by myself with an auto driver would not be the brightest of ideas! Someone's pulled some scary moves on me once already in their attempt to grope me at night and there's no way I'm risking that again.

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