Saturday, June 7, 2008

Living in Arusha is Paradise

Time is passing so quickly! Already, I've been in Arusha for 10 days and looking back I am amazed at how effortlessly I have slipped into life here--with no running water, no electricity, no proper toilets, and certainly none of the small luxuries I grew accustomed to in Mumbai--but here it doesn't seem to matter. People are happy, laughing, and living. I am happy too. Life here is simple, we live by the sun,and there's something very rejuvenating about that. Strip away all of the modern luxuries and you really get to know people. Despite the language barrier, its easy to find something to laugh about. There are no expectations, just simple acceptance for who you are. I am blessed to be living in one of the most beautiful, fertile, and green places on earth, not to mention among some of the most welcoming and gentle people I've ever encountered, and have to remind myself to relish in this reality before its gone. Even though there's no blending in here, and I'll always be a muzungoto the locals, I fit in perfectly here. It all feels so familiar and comfortable.

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