Saturday, June 14, 2008

Donations Update

Thanks to my latest contributors, Jen Abrams and my family, I am now just $50 short of reaching my goal! We leave on Friday for Babati where the girls will run in regionals and then from there, we will travel directly to Singida where the Nationals will be held. The girls are training hard, excited, and so appreciative that people all the way in America actually care enough to donate money on their behalf! Thanks again.


Bekah said...

HI! Jen (aka wanderingjen) sent me a link to your blog! I also am in Tanzania working on research for my Master's degree. My fieldsite is about 1.5 hours from Arusha where I go for supplies about once a month. Not sure if you are interested, but I would sure appreciate meeting you sometime on a trip into town. Of course, these trips are usually quite random since I rely on catching a lift with ranch vehicles, but I thought I would give you my number so we could SMS. Its 0783169733. If you want to check out my blog, it is

Anonymous said...

Hi....I loved the pictures of the young women you are involved with. They are beautiful and look happy and certainly will benefit from having you in their lives. I'm happy you are so close to your goal...hopefully you will exceed it and have extra to do fun things for them. I'm wishing the very best for you all. Take care, and let the girls know we are cheering them on!!!!!