Saturday, June 28, 2008

Goodbye Lodz, Hello Cathy!

After a few days of a comfortable, clean bed, a daily hot shower (or even twice daily!, and hour upon hour of relaxing by the pool or on the beach, my little fantasy world came to an end. I said goodbye to Lodz and her colleagues this afternoon, and while I was sad to see a good friend leave, I am so thankful to her for sharing the past couple of days with me. It waqs just the touch of luxury I needed and the dose of English-speaking compainionship I longed for after weeks of village life. I need to be in Mombasa for July 4, so for the next few dyas I'll be staying with my friend Cathy. Already we have talks of endless foods I need to try, places I need to see, and people I need to meet. I have a feeling its going be be a busy couple of days!

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