Friday, April 11, 2008

Observations of Mumbai

India is a country of extremes--of poverty and unimaginable wealth, of 21st century innovations and generations old practices, of astounding, vibrant colors and of depressingly brown, grey, and lifeless perils. Mumbai is a city that packs all of these extremes into 60km of unending chaos. Corrugated tin, plastic sheeting, and bamboo polls strewn together create acres and acres of slums towered over by sheek, glitsy million dollar flats. Piles of nausea inducing waste is picked over by women in beautiful crimson, blue, and gold saris, emaciated dogs, and shoeless, filthy children. Mercedes congested streets stretch into the dirty, heat hazed sunsets amidst the beggars, trendy teens, and the next generation of billionaires. Loud processions of drums, dancing, fire, and water make their way through neighborhoods paying homage to a god, a deity, or some other religious symbol. Cows wander aimlessly and dogs sleep soundly, unfazed by the unrelenting rickshaws swerving narrowly to miss the unassuming creatures of the street. Exotic languages tumble from the lips of men embraced in friendship and commrodarie. White-toothed smiles of women and the endearing waves of fine limbed children greet me on the bulging trains, the grocery store aisles, and everywhere in between. It's beautiful, it's ugly, its hot, sticky, and filthy. It's tortured and celebrated by a long, rich, and captivating culture. It's sprinting towards modernization and stuck in the past. It's full of mind numbing excess and depressing leanness. It's a city that ceases to amaze me and has forever changed me. It's Indian's greatest city, it's Mumbai.


Anonymous said...

I've been told that I should visit some of our producer groups this summer and fall. Email me and let me know how long you plan to be in India... we have some cotton producers there - maybe I can join you and Jen!?! :-)

It should be lots of fun for you... Jen can't eat gluten and I can't eat curry (well, specifically tumeric)... (ha ha)

Can't wait to see the pics!

nanny said...

Once again your writing makes me feel as though I am right there seeing what you see. So often I get the chills. Thank you for sharing. That extreme between rich and poor is wild - in Prague it was the same thing. I always wonder if the rich ever feel guilty??? Wouldn't it be awesome if EVERYONE made the about of money needed to live and not get sooo filthy rich!! (I probably wouldn't say that if I were rich hehehehehehehe)
Continue to stay safe and have fun. We love you and miss you M and M

Anonymous said...

Who needs photos with such lovely prose you post for us all to appreciate?!?! I feel as if I am there again, and so wish i was sharing it with you in person. Circuits are still busy every time I call, and I am dying for more details. love you so very much