Saturday, March 8, 2008


Kodaikanal is a great little hilltop town. Located hours from any city, it has the feel of an alpine summer retreat. The views from around twon are spectacular, although looking down into the valley in late afternoon once the smog has settled in is an erie remindeder of the San Bernardino Valley in the peak of summer. The town itself is situated around a lake where Indian families come to picnic and enjoy a ride in the paddle boats. There's a big international school here and today was their annual field day, so I sat and watched the school's track meet while snacking on pineapple slices, peanut salad, and other treats beign sold by street vendors. I spent much of the afternoon cruising around the lake and itno the hills on a rented bike, and of course stopping to pose in pictures with enthusiastic school groups. The air is cool and refreshing up here, a welcomed change from the thick, wet heat of the coast. It's obvious that the residents of Kodaikanal take great pride in their city as rubbish is thrown into designated bins, not on the streets; the blare of horns is replaced with the chirping of birds; and signs all over town remind you to reduce, reuse, recycle. This is very much progressive India.

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