Thursday, February 21, 2008

New Phone Number

I've made it to Calcutta, or Kolkata as they say here. The first thing I did once I got through customs was to buy a new SIM card which turned out to be much more challenging than in Thailand. But I now have a working phone number! The time difference from California is 13.5 hours and from the East Coast (and for Beatriz down in Chile), 10.5 hours. Feel free to give me a call whenever you feel like chatting, but try to remember the time difference...I've gotten more than a few calls way too early in the morning!

(91) 983-086-9658

Miss you guys!


Jen said...

Oops...that would be me!!!

Jigme said...

To all those folks trying to call Dona -- use Google Search -- Type in Kolkatta Time in the Search box and you should get the exact time in Calcutta.. Have Fun and Stay Safe in Calcutta -- I miss Home

Jen said...

I've tried calling like a million times, the number isn't working :(