Friday, January 4, 2008

Still Sick

I must have eaten something yesterday that really disagreed with me, or I've got something slightly more serious. Around 6pm I was heading to the bus station, wanting to get there before it got too dark. As I was walking down to the station, I started to get a funny feeling in my stomach which wasn't a big deal at first. But by 7pm, I was nauseous and had the chills. Taking respite in the bus, I laid down and tried to get warm with the blanket provided. But I just kept getting colder and colder. My body was shaking uncontrollably to the point that my muscles started to ache. Desperate for warmth, I grabbed a blanket from the seat next to me, wrapped my scarf around my head, and bundled my hands in my gloves. I could feel the warmth building between my skin and the blankets, but the shaking continued, I couldn't get warm on the inside.

The bus started to fill with people and it quickly became apparent that one of the seats was missing its blanket. I said nothing as the driver searched high and low for the missing blanket. He accused locals of stealing the blanket. He searched other buses for the missing blanket. He was becoming frustrated and furious. I pretended to be asleep and unaware of what was going on. There was no way I would give it up. I was simply too cold. Maybe I was being selfish, but in the moment there was no other option.

I woke up smothered by the blankets. I felt like I was suffocating. I frantically tore the blankets off me, pulled and tugged until my head was free of the scarf, my hands free of the gloves. My mouth tasted of metal, I needed water. But there was no water, only the cool condensation from the window to stop the heat. I couldn't escape. And then the shivering, it returned with avengance. Cold, hot, cold, hot. It was the longest night of my life.

The darkness was endless. With each episode I'd look out the window peading with the sun to show its first flimmer. But everytime the stars instead put on a spectacular show. Buckets of stars danced in the sky, their backdrop a midnight black that can only be found in the most remote stretches of the earth.


Anonymous said...


You poor thing. Get well my friend and take very good care of yourself. Even if it means you might need to slow down, spend a few extra dollars and rest in a nice place. It will be worth it to be well again.

I'm really enjoying your adventures. Vietnam sounded wonderfully amazing. China sounds busy and crowded but still must be cool to be there.

Get well. Thinkin' of you.

Michael MacIntosh said...

Oh man! Poor Dona! Hope you're feeling better soon. That sounds like an horrible night.

Maybe it was the Dona Donuts. Just like matter and anti-matter, Dona The Donut and Dona the Health Educator cannot come into contact with each other or else terrible things happen.

Geeky Star Trek jokes aside, you take care of yourself, man! Feel better soon, even if it means taking a brief siesta (or whatever the Mandarin word for "siesta" is).


Beatriz said...

ouch girl, that sounds awful! i wish i was there to help :-( get well soon!

nanny said...

OH Dona, I hope you are feeling better. Take care of you. That sounded like a terrible night. I agree with Kelley - find a better place to stay with good food and warm blankies. Take care Donut.

Love you Michelle

Anonymous said...

Oh my awful! Find someplace warm, comfy, dry and heal. I'll be sending you "get well hugs"!

Big hugs,

Anonymous said...

That sucks, there's nothing like being sick when you're away from home. Just invest in a good nights rest, drink lots of tea, and watch movies in bed :) That should make you feel better.