Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How generous are we?

Staying with Susan has been such a blessing. She treats me just like one of her own daughters. We cook together, go on walks, joke together...she has not only opened her home to me, but her heart as well. What I love most about her is her sense of self and responsibility. She knows exactly who she is and what she can contribute to our world. Kids on the street get lessons in manners from her, drunk men on the sidewalk are gently scolded and told that they have more to offer than just an empty bottle. Susan infuses good into everything she does, and makes a point to improve someone's life everyday. Be it orphans living in a local temple with not enough food to eat, the local official who's lost his way to the corruption of the communists, or the neighbor's son who can't afford to go to school. Susan has shown me that doing small things is all it takes to change the owrld. This is a concept that we all know, and something that we all talk about, but how many of us actually do it? What do I do to make the world a better place? Not enough. I always seem to have an excuse--not enough money, not enough time, not needy enough. Enough with the excuses. I want generosity to flow naturally from me, and too often it doesn't. This is something I vow to work on, to practice everyday. It seems the more money we have, the more stingy we are. But the truth is, the more we have, the more we are responsible for those who don't.


Anonymous said...

You are the greatest gift I could ever ask for and I'm so proud to be your mom. You make a difference every day in many ways and just don't know it. It never hurts to be more cognizant of it. Love you sooooo much

nanny said...

Dona how awesome you write. I have been brought to tears more than once with your words. You are a treasure - may we all hear your words.

Proud to know you. Love Michelle